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When Gigan Attacks
Written by W. Scott McComas

CHAPTER ONE The Coming Of The Monsters
In the middle of the night, on a dark deserted highway somewhere between Ft Irwin and Barstow California, a large military truck driven by Sgt. John Camacho swerved recklessly from one side of the road to the other. John had been a driver for the United States Army for nearly fifteen years, specializing in top secret payloads.
In those many years, he had never been made aware of what the loads hed hauled had been, and really, had never cared. But, for some reason, this load was different . . very different . . .he KNEW this was a special containment truck, which meant he was either carrying something toxic . . or alive!!!
Either way, for this reason, he had been nervous throughout the whole trip. And with a long way yet to go, his tension wasn't easing.
John had been on the road for nearly twelve hours straight since hed left the base in Arizona, and now his vision was becoming blurred and hazy. Being a driving veteran, he recognized the dangers, and subsequently pulled the rig over to the side of the road to try and get some much needed rest.
Once hed pulled off the road, he climbed his way back into the sleeper compartment and prepared the tiny bed for himself. But just as he was ready to settle in, he was startled by a blinding light, and loud roar coming from somewhere far in front of the truck. The light was so bright that it instantly tanned his skin, and the shock from the noise was so severe that it separated tractor from trailer, ripping the rear of the trailer itself open wide.
Being military personal, Johns first impulse was to radio the incident in and ask for assistance, but soon found that the radio was dead, and that the rig itself had stalled.
So cautiously he opened the door of the rig, climbed down, and walked towards the detached trailer many yards behind. But before he got near it, the light returned, and he was knocked to the ground by a sudden, furious gust of wind. He crawled to the trailer, grabbed onto a severely damaged tire, and attempted to regain his footing, but suddenly there was a loud mechanical sounding screech that caused him to look skyward.
Now, with terror obvious in his eyes, John let out a loud scream. But before he could make a move, he was carried away by something . . .something mammoth.
His screams persisted for a time, growing more and more faint as the distance grew, and just as quickly as it had appeared, both John and his unknown abductor were gone . . .without a trace.
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The next morning, California Highway Patrol Officer Tamera Thoebold happened upon the abandoned and badly damaged truck. Once she saw the military markings, she immediately contacted her husband, Don, a Captain in the Army, based at nearby Ft Irwin.
Don soon informed her that the truck hadn't reached its destination, and that they were having trouble contacting its driver, Sgt Camacho.
When his wife described the condition of the vehicle, he decided to head up an investigative crew to determine what exactly had happened.
And within a few hours the site was overflowing with military personal and vehicles. Helicopters filled the sky and armed soldiers cordoned off the area. Officer Theobold and some of her colleagues blocked off the roads in a two mile radius around the wreckage, so that the investigation could go forth uninterrupted.
When Don first saw the damaged truck, his first thought was what was the cargo; his second was, obviously, what happened?
Some of the investigators noticed strange footprints in the sand. They were enormous, so big that the blowing winds had not filled them in overnight.
A baffled soldier looked at Captain Theobold and asked Sir, what in Gods name could have made those prints, and . . .where is John????
Don was dumbfounded, but in the back of his mind remembered an encounter hed once had while stationed in Japan . . .an encounter with Godzilla. He realized that the footprints were nearly the same size as the giant saurian from Japan, but were totally different from any hed ever seen. Were they dealing with a NEW kaiju?
The question would be answered almost immediately, as the wind began to blow fiercely and the sky quickly grew dark. Then the mechanical screech again, and the creature was upon them.
Everyone at the site raced for cover, but there was none from something this big. It landed directly in front of the truck and just stared at the scurrying people.
The thing was enormous . . .greenish in color, and looking somewhat bird like, only without wings. It had hooked claws, a row of sharp spikes on its chest, and only one red cycloptic eye that glowed eerily.
The creature then bent down suddenly and started to pick up soldiers, devouring them in seconds. Then, when it had apparently had its fill, it lit up a bright blue, and lifted off, disappearing into the beautiful blue sky.
Captain Theobold, hiding behind a helicopter with some of his men, said That was Gigan . . .I cant believe it!!! What in Gods name is HE doing HERE??? And whats caused him to act like this????
The answer, though unbeknownst to the remaining soldiers, laid inside the transportation truck they were here to investigate. The load it was carrying was nuclear, and, somehow, Gigan had absorbed it . . .making him bigger, stronger, and more ferocious then ever before. It was almost a carbon copy of what had happened to Godzilla 4o years earlier . . .but this was happening on OUR shores . . .happening in the United States.
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Seventy miles west of where Gigan first appeared, Professor Tom Tvrdik, a scientist at the University of California Polytechnic Institute - Pamona was monitoring a deep sea disturbance thirty miles off the San Francisco coast. There, something large moved slowly towards shore. Tvrdiks duty was to figure out if it was a school of migrating fish or even perhaps whales that had somehow lost their way.
Tim Addison, a reporter for The San Francisco Times, burst into Tvrdiks lab.
Tom . . he said, . . I know that you and I have been friends for a very long time, and you have always been up front with me. So please tell me something . . . .what the hell is that thing in San Francisco Bay?
Tom got a relieved type of look on his face and replied If you mean the object moving towards the Bay, well, its simple . . its a school of fish or something. I haven't really determined it yet. You know it IS about the time that the fish start to migrate towards warmer waters. What, you haven't ever seen this before, after living here all these years???
Addison looked agitated. Uh, of course I have. But listen smart #####, have you checked the temperature of the water lately?
Tim crossed his arms and waited for an answer. Then nodded his head and pointed towards the cluster of gauges and instruments that were built into the wall near where Tom was sitting.
Tom then got up and both men walked over to them, and once seeing the gauges, Toms eyes flew open wide. What the hell is this? He exclaimed. This isn't possible!
Addison again looked at the gauges and said Now tell me again that this is just a school of fish.
Tom now didn't know what to say. He again looked at the gauges with disbelief, seeing that it read 145 degrees . . .and in the middle of the fall season. This temperature was far higher than he had ever seen, but even more unusual because of the time of year.
Finally he said The gauge has to be on the fritz or something. I don't think there has EVER been a reading out to sea THAT high, unless . . .
Tom quieted abruptly, then looked at Addison and said, Holy ##### . .lets go!!!
Tim, grabbing his jacket while running after Tom, said What? Unless there was WHAT?
Tvrdik, rushing out the door of the complex, stopped, looked at his friend, and said quietly, yet oh so seriously, unless there was a volcanic eruption . . . .
Tims eyes grew as big as silver dollars, and the only thing he could utter was . . .Oh My God . . .
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At that very same time at the Bay, a loud clap of thunder roared, and lightning filled the sky. But there were no clouds in the sky this day, and the lightning was rising OUT of the water TOWARDS the sky. Then lava shot up from the water, causing it to boil; the steam being released soon causing visibility problems.
Soon a scientific helicopter flew over the area. Someone else obviously had determined this was going to happen as well.
The pilot of the chopper looked at one of the scientists on board and said Hey, what a beautiful sight, huh?
The scientist responded with Yeah, I guess you could say that. But we really need to be worrying about the effects this could have on the coast. This might cause earthquakes or something. In fact Id bet a small earthquake triggered what we are seeing now. If this spreads, we could REALLY have a disaster on our hands.
The pilot nodded his head in agreement. And about that time, there was a brilliant flash of light originating from above the chopper, then a thunderous roar, and without warning, Gigan was on the scene, as if drawn to the volcanic activity.
What the hell is that? the pilot shouted, but there would be no answer, as Gigan moved in to destroy the chopper. But seconds before the monster reached the craft, a bright blue beam of some kind struck Gigan from underneath, sending it crashing into the waters below.
The pilot looked around to see where the beam had come from, then suddenly screamed GODZILLA!!!!
Indeed. Raising himself from the molten inferno beneath him, was the monster Godzilla. His groans deafening, and his internal heat intense.
Godzilla seemed to survey the scene for a second, looking for the beast hed just blasted from the sky, but Gigan was no where in sight. Only a huge pool of churning water and bubbles remained where it had fallen in.
But just as Godzilla seemed confident that hed destroyed the creature, he was dragged down beneath the water by his feet, and soon Gigan was visible again.
As Gigan took flight, Godzilla righted himself, shook the water from his fins, and prepared for battle.
Meanwhile the chopper was heading away from the scene, and back towards land. It had miraculously been spared.
The pilot radioed in to his base Youve got to get a hold of Captain Theobold at Irwin . . . tell him we have a situation here. Two huge monsters have appeared. One is Godzilla. The other is something new and hard to describe. It all happened so fast. Please get the message to him. Hell know what to do!
Now everyone on the chopper looked out their various windows, watching what they could see . . . of the battle of the titans.
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Within minutes, the cities of San Francisco and Oakland were aware of the monsters presence in the Pacific Ocean. There were broadcast break ins and the Emergency Alert Systems of both cities were put into effect. What seemed to start out as an ordinary day had turned instead into one of chaos. People soon began to flee their homes and businesses in search of safety.
All the interstates were quickly packed, and the many news agencies urged calm, begging the fleeing people to do so peacefully as not to make the disaster immediate.
Out at sea, the two behemoths were at it ferociously. Godzilla had somehow found a way to get Gigan back into the water, and as Gigan tried to raise up and fly, it was caught in Godzillas massive hands.
He squeezed tightly until Gigan began to change colors, then Gigans eye lit up bright red and soon unleashed a strong laser blast that caught Godzilla on the side of his head, causing him to lose his grip and fall backwards into the water. And as godzilla fell, Gigan took to the sky.
Godzilla groggily tried to rise from the water, but was struck again by a Gigan laser blast, knocking him over once more. Three or four more times this very thing happened, until finally, Godzilla rose no more. But that mattered not, Gigan just flew slowly overhead dodging the lightning caused by the volcano, unleashing one laser blast after another.
Godzilla laid motionless under the surface of the water. Not even the bubbles that breathing creatures emit underwater were evident now.
Gigans onslaught continued until it apparently grew tired of firing on a motionless target. And then he simply flew away. Was Godzilla really dead? Had the King Of The Monsters finally met his match? No one knew for sure.
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On one of the many highways leading into town, Tvrdik and Addison raced recklessly towards the coastline. They had heard the warnings on the radio, but chose to ignore them, and the many roadblocks along the way, being more than willing to take the risks.
Tom looked over at his friend and said Godzilla . . .what is HE doing in America? And what about the other creature? Where did IT come from?
Addison looked at the floor of the car, then back at Tom, and replied You know, i think the appropriate question right now is what can we do about it ?
This was a troubling and puzzling question for both of them, as they both knew that any hope of militarily fixing the situation was slim at best.
Suddenly Tom had a thought. What if we attack and weaken them, and then let them do the rest of the work for us?
Tim laughed. Come on, think realistically. You are a scientist! You know the reputation of Godzilla. Weapons actually seem to make him stronger, so even if we DO weaken the other one, Godzilla will still survive to come after us.
Yeah, I guess your right, but hell, there has to be something we can do. We have to find a way to stop them from reaching San Francisco. Too many lives are at stake, even with the evacuation orders.
Tim again laughed, then said Yeah . .but what?
Just about that time a group of fighter planes flew high overhead. The noise from their massive engines rattled the whole car.
For a time, both men were silent, but Tim finally looked at Tom and said Well, there goes a bunch of innocent lives, needlessly lost. I wonder whose brilliant idea THAT was.
Tom did not answer. He instead just nodded his head, then drove on.
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Back at the Army base at Ft Irwim, Captain Theobold was in a meeting with other high ranking officials from the area. Word of the monsters presence in the Pacific was spreading like wildfire throughout the country, and thus the discussion was of course national security, and what to do to beat the invading monsters.
A soldier entered the room and spoke first. Sir, we have sent in a squadron of F-18s to battle the Gigan beast, but there is still no sign of Godzilla.
Don, looking at a map of the area, replied I think thats a bad move. Those fighters will have little effect.
This obviously aggitated one of the other officers, General Ron Silbaugh, who snapped back with Captain, those men are our absolute best pilots, with hundreds of hours of battle experience from Desert Storm alone. I dont think you should underestimate them.
Don, still looking at the map, started to respond when suddenly an unfamiliar voice spoke from the doorway of the room, interupting him. General, perhaps YOU are underestimating Godzilla . . . .
Again Silbaugh seemed flustered, and demanded Who the HELL are you? And HOW did you get in here???
The stranger spoke, but this time in a quiter tone. My name is Martin . . .
Don then cut the man off mid sentence. Matrin? You are . .STEVE Martin?
Thats right. And I live in the area. After seeing the news briefs, I thought you could use my help.
General Silbaugh looked over at Don, then walked over to a folder marked TOP SECRET. Opened it, and said You are the newspaper man that lived through Godzillas initial attack in 1954, and then helped the government with his reappearence in 1984. Tell me Mr martin, how did you manage to escape death back in the 50s, when it seems no one esle did?
Steve looked at his watch for a second, then said Good fortune I guess. I dont know, but thats not important now. The point is that most of you have never seen this creature in action, but I have. Up close and personal. And I can tell you general that your planes do NOT stand a chance against that kind of power. You might want to consider recalling them before you get all your men killed.
Now, Brian Foster, Steve;s nephew, and also a newspaper reporter, nudged at him, and said Uncle Steve, there is no sign of Godzilla. There is speculation that Gigan might have actually killed him.
Martin rolled his eyes in disgust, then replied Shut up Boy! There is no way that that overgrown rooster could have killed Godzilla. No way in hell.
Don spoke now. Mr Martin, observers at the scene saw Gigan beat up on Godzilla, and from what I am hearing, when Godzilla went into the water the last time, he wasnt in very good shape. And besides, I personally can vouch for the fact that Gigan is NOT the same creature that he once was. He has gone through a sort of, well, metamorphasis, kind of like Godzilla did on Lagos in the 40s. The nuclear energy has made him savage and furious. In fact, I wouldnt be surprised if Gigan is slowly dying from radiation poisoning.
The room feel silent for a moment, as this was stunning news. Then general Silbaugh asked Is this just a THEORY Captain, or is this really a possibility?
Don paused for a second, then pulled out a tape containing some footage of the battle between Godzilla and Gigan, taken from the research helicopter as it fled the area. He popped it into a nearby VCR, and then began to explain.
Notice the color of Gigans skin . .how it fluxuates between that greenish black and the flourescent blue. Then, there . . .notice the emission of the red light from the TOP of Gigans head BEFORE he hits Godzilla with his eye laser. I think this is very telling. I think that the infusion of radioactivity into his system is slowly altering his molecular structure, driving him insane, and will ultimatly kill him.
OK, so theoretically, that could take care of one problem. But then what about Godzilla?
At that moment the phone rang, and was answered by General Silbaugh. The room went silent as Silbaugh spoke up.
Yes, what is happening? What??? All of them??? I see . .well, get out the rescue teams right away to look for survivors.
I was right, wasnt I? Don said.
Of course you were right. Steve replied.
Ron looked over at one of the soldiers sitting at the table near him and said Get your asses into the control room. Word is that Godzilla is on the move again. Now MOVE!
The soldier jumped from his seat and trotted out of the room. Steve looked over at his nephew, kind of nudged him back, and said See? I told you . . .
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Indeed Godzilla WAS moving again. But in an unforseen direction. For, he was now headed BACK towards the all but forgotten vocano. Moving slowly under the surface of the water, Godzilla left a huge trail of blood in his wake. It was now apparent that Gigan had in fact seriously injured him. But even so, why head back towards the volcano?
Finally, after a short ime of swimming, he reached the molten inferno, and without warning, threw himself into teh mouth of the underground furnace. And just like that, Godzilla was gone.
This strange behavior did not go unnoticed, as Don, watching the event on sonar, spoke with a strange tone in his voice as Godzillas blip left the screen.
Now why did he do that? Its almost as if he . .committed SUICIDE!!! But thats impossible! He doesnt posess that kind of intellegence.
One of the soldiers sitting in the room, looked at Don and replied Sir, with all due respect, are you sure about that?
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Tvrdik and Addison had finally reached the shoreline in San Francisco. but found that other than the sight of lava being shot hundreds of feet into the air from the volcano, there was no sign of either of the monsters.
Tim was ready to speak when there was suddenly a loud rumbling noise coming from behind them. They both turned just in time to witness many of the boats in the marina being tossed around like twigs. Then a huge reptilain head rose form the water, let out a juvenile sounding roar, then headed out to sea.
Tim, now flat on his back, looked at Tvrdik and said Now what the hell was THAT? It looked like . .well, like a young Godzilla!
Tvrdik, shaking himself off, looked at the swimming kaiju, and replied Uh, thats because that IS a young Godzilla. Godzilla Junior to be exact. Havent you heard of him?
Tim just stared out at the giant beast but did not respond. Tom finally shook his head, then answered for him. Hmmm, I guess not!
Tim then looked over at Tom, shook his head in disbelief, and said God, this is getting worse and worse by the second isnt it? What did we do to deserve this?
What had they done indeed.
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Far out in the Pacific Ocean, the oil freighter, Sundance Coronet, headed towards the California Coast. Loaded to the extreme, and bareing the name EXXON on its side, the ship carried thousands of gallons of crude oil to its destinations in the United States.
Her captain, Brian Ward, radioed to the harbor for clearence for his ship. Yes, San Francisco, this is the Sundance Coromet, heading towards you at about twently five knots. ETA about one hour twenty five minutes. Permission to dock . . .
Negative Sundance Corone . . . the dispatcher said, . . .we have a major situation here. Giant monsters overrun the area. Suggest you turn around and stay at sea.
Captain Ward got a smile on his face, and said God . .why do they hire drunks to work the docks? Especially dispatch! The next thing you know, theyll be telling me there are flying saucers around too!
About that time, his ship, moments before bathed in sunlight, went dark. Ward exited the main cabin and looked to the sky, thinking there might have been some freak storm brewing.
Suddenly, there was a loud screech and in the blink of an eye, Ward was swpt off the ship and thrown into the water. Submerged for a moment and dazed, Ward fought his way back to the surface, but no sooner than he had resurfaced, he was plucked from the waves and devoured by Gigan.
The remaining crewmembers ran to try to get below deck, but Gigan picked most of them off before they could barely move. Gigan landed in the water, and again the red light shot up from the top of his head. Gigan let out a loud screech, almost sounding as if it were in pain, and then fired its laser, setting the ship ablaze and causing it to sink in mere seconds. Most of the remaining crew fled to the water, but were chewed into little pieces by the giant behemoth before they even knew what had hit them.
The ship vanished form the surface of the water and soon a huge oil slick appeared. Gigan, perhaps reckognizing the danger, took to the sky before the oil could reach him, and swiftly dissappeared from sight once more.
Within minutes of the sinking, dead fish began to appear at the surface of the spill. For some reason birds dove in after them, and were coated with the slick oil, leaving them flightless, and to drown. Now the disaster had spread far beyond humanity.
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The act of killing dozens of people and then vanishing, almost into thin air, was repeated by Gigan time and again. People around the world began to ask the same questions. What would stop this horrible creature? What would kill IT before IT destoyed the entire world?
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After a short time, General Silbaugh and Don realized no monsters had shown themselves anywhere. Could it mean that it was the end of all this? Or was it like the eye of a hurricane, the calm before phase two began? Neither man knew what else to do.
Don went to his office and picked up the phone to call his wife. How are things going there? he asked.
Its calmed down here quite a bit, considering nearly everyone has left. I think that only me and the rest of the force are still here, and were thinking about leaving too. she said.
Are you planning to come here, or do you want me to come to you?
Don, I am a big girl, you know that. I can find my way home.
Alright, but if you run into ANY trouble, you let me know and I will be there ASAP.
After exchanging good byes, he hung up the receiver. Then sitting back in the chair at his desk, he recalled how hed met his wife. He remembered pulling her out of a burning building that Godzilla had just destroyed in Japan. In a way, he thought, he was grateful to Godzilla for giving him the opportunity to meet the woman of his dreams.
But at the same time, he reckognized that they both could have easily been killed, therefor making none of this future possible. What a bittesweet destiny, he thought, before falling off into a restless, and haunted sleep.
Meanwhile, Ron sat at his own desk and looked at still photos of Godzilla and Gigan, tyring to find some kind fo weakness in either of the giants.
Why did you have to show up HERE? he thought. This is MY country, and I will find any way I can to stop you from ruining it. If only I knew what to do!
Steve Martin and his nephew then entered the room. Martin spoke out. General, I know a little about your weapons and so forth, so tell me something . . .a few years back, on one of my last assignments, I uncovered a secret weapon that I never said anything about to anyone. But now I dont think I have much choice.
Ron looked at him puzzled and asked him to explain himself. So for the next thirty minutes or so, Martin described the visit to a little country in Africa, where a deadly disease, Ebola he thought, was running rampant, and how the military had tried every way to combat it, but were unsuccessful. He described how he was ordered to leave the area one morning in a big rush . .given not even the time to pack, and how once the helicopter was airborne, an airplane had dropped some kind fo bomb on the entire village.
There was no explosion, but rather a large cloud of what looked like water vapor. And within seconds, he recollected, everything in the entire village had been totally desintegrated. Gone, without a trace.
Ron, again looking puzzled, asked Martin And what exactly do you think this weapon was?
Honestly sir, having been in Japan in 54, I think it was a kind of variation . .a mock up, of the Oxygen Destroyer.
Martins nephew asked That thing that killed Godzilla?
Yes, at least something like that. And by the way, risking deja vu, in 54, they never found any corpse.
Ron looked in a drawer at his desk and pulled out a picture and handed it to Martin. Is that what you saw that day?
Martin looked at the picture carefully, and then his eyes flew open wide. There he saw a large cyllindrical object with military markings on it. Again Mr Martin, is this what you saw?
Steve hesitated for a moment, as he relived the horrors of that day and the many lives that had been lost. Finally he answered. Yes . . .this is what did that awful thing.
Now Silbaugh was angry. He slammed the photo back into the drawer and said Those frickin liars!!!
Martin asked what was wrong.
Well, lets see, four years ago, we got a report of something like this being used to clean up nuclear residue at Chernobyl, but our higher ranking officers denied it. Then we got word of it being used in a small village, in either Africa or South America to wipe out some virus. Again, nothing but denials. Then fianlly, we even obtained this picture of the damn thing, and they STILL said it wasnt real . . . that our intellegence had simply failed. Now you tell me that you have seen it first hand, and at one of the places we were TOLD it was used at.
And what REALLY burns my ##### is that through all this, we have had a weapon to destroy these monsters, but we cant use it, because we cant find it. This, excuse me for saying, is serious bullshit.
General, I assure you that this IS the same thing that I saw that day in Africa. I know because I have had nightmares about it ever since . .worse than any Godzilla ever gave me, and I didnt need any more of those.
Ron thanked the men for their help, and exited the room hurriedly. Martin looked at Brian, and in a soft voice said Boy, that man just might save the world after all . . .
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Thanks Scott, Keep up the GRRRREAT writing!
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CHAPTER TWO: When Kaiju Attack
Darkness had fallen on the city of San Francisco. The blackened buildings and silent streets seemed so unreal. It had been nearly seventy-two hours since the first appearances of the monsters, and forty-eight since they were last spotted.
The city, though nearly deserted, was under an order of Martial Law, only the second time in U.S. history that had happened. Only military and otherwise cleared personnel were allowed to roam the streets, with their destinations predetermined.
The military, led by Captain Theobold, had set up camp near the shoreline of the bay about a mile from the famed Golden Gate Bridge. They had assembled a massive arsenal to combat the monsters if and when they reached U.S. soil. All the men could do was wait. All the entire WORLD could do . .was wait.
Meanwhile, out at sea, a reconiscence plane made its rounds near the volcanic area looking for signs of Godzilla of his juvenile kin. The volcano, though still spewing lava from its gaping mouth, had subsided greatly from its original eruption. It was almost possible to see deep inside the mouth from high in the sky, and the pilot and crew of the plane took full advantage, snapping picture after picture of the awesome spectacle.
One of the people aboard the plane was James Allen, a writer, and kaiju zoologfist . . one of only ten in the world, who had military clearance to survey the situation due to his fascination with Godzilla and other kaiju. This was a day he had dreamed of for most of his life; the chance to see a real live monster up close and personal, and he was willing to take the risk of losing his life to do so. But he would not perish on this day, but instead would fulfill his wish.
For, as he looked from his window anxiously, he and the others noticed a large wave heading straight for the volcano itself. The closer it got, the object making the wave becoming more and more recognizable. Once the creature reached the volcano, it raised up out of the water and let out a loud roar.
James, almost subconsciously, screamed out . . That's Junior!!! That's Godzilla Junior!!!! The others onboard laughed loudly and kidded him about the outburst. The pilot then told James, Remember . . that thing could EASILY kill all of us, so don't get TOO excited.
Yeah . . your right. James said, But in every book I have ever read, or piece of film I've ever seen, I have NEVER seen Junior be hostile towards humans. I think his being raised by that Japanese scientist lady had a lot to do with that.
The conversation then ended, and the men resumed there sightseeing. All of them noticed immediately that Junior was acting strangely. He almost seemed to be digging through the water, as if searching for something. Tony Gustoffson, a soldier onboard and an avid dinosaur freak, said He's looking for Godzilla. Isn't it obvious?
Omar Kaild, another soldier, and Tony's best friend, replied, Of course, but doesn't he realize that Papa is dead?
James, listening from his seat behind them, snapped What makes you so sure that hes dead? Do you really believe that Gigan is THAT powerful? Let me tell you something . . . we had better get the hell out of here before Papa shows UP and blasts us into a million pieces.
Before there could be any response, Junior let out yet another loud roar, and then seemed to just stop in his tracks. This alarmed the pilot, who decided abruptly to leave the area. As he circled the plane around, there was another massive eruption of lava into the air, and a bright green light emanating from beneath the waters surface. The water again nearly seemed to boil as the bubbling mass became larger and larger. Junior, sensing danger, backed away quickly, then stopped a short distance away.
James, still glued to his window, said to no one in particular Hes already here . . .Godzilla is back . . .! The men in the plane looked intently at James, and no longer kidded him, as soon all eyes drew to the now swirling water. Then, like a fish jumping out of water, Godzilla rose up quickly, his body blackened and glowing red, yellow, and orange. Steam flowed from every inch of his frame. With a deafening roar, and a bright red oral beam that struck only water, he turned towards Junior . . then towards the coast.
Junior, obviously stunned by the events, and the appearence of his kin, froze in place for a time, shaking. But when Godzilla turned and growled at him, He whimpered slightly, then began to follow.
The pilot of the plane radioed into Captain Theobold and told him about the advance of the two monsters. Don, in turn, prepared his troops . . putting them on FULL kaiju alert.
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In the mean time, a deep silence fell along the coastline. The darkened sky filled with the brilliance of a thousand stars. This left much to the imagination of the gathered arsenal of soldiers. All involved knew what was about to take place, and the thought scared most of them senseless. The majority of the troops were seasoned combat vets, but none of them, with the exception of their Captain, had ever had to deal with something as terrifying as this . . . . a huge destructive monster, two in fact, both capable of leveling an entire city in a matter of hours.
Don tried to keep his men focused and in control of their emotions, as a slip up now could be disastrous. Again there was silence as the waiting game continued, but it did NOT last long.
Peering through a pair of infra red binoculars, a soldier on the front line noticed a disturbance in the water, and quietly radioed it back to his Captain. Don then informed his soldiers that they needed to ready themselves, and to fire on his word. The men, and machines, took aim and watched the churning water.
A dark figure raised itself up out of the water noiselessly, and advanced towards the shore. It was Junior, but in the dark it was impossible to tell that, even with the special binoculars. Junior walked slowly through the otherwise calm water until he had reached the shore, and it was then that Don yelled out Turn on the spotlights!. And once Junior was fully illuminated, he then shouted Fire!!!
Then the onslaught began. Missiles, bullets, bombs, and all kinds of artillery were discharged at the stunned saurian. But through all of it, and its ineffectiveness, Junior did not respond in any way. he merely continued to advance.
Don, confused by the lizards lack of reaction, waited a few minutes and then ordered a cease fire, and the command was quickly obeyed.
Junior took three or four more steps forward as the last of the missiles exploded near him, then stopped and turned towards the water. There was then a brilliant flash of light emanating from beneath the surface, and soon the water churned violently. Then . . he appeared.
Godzilla rose up from the boiling soup, howled angrily, then walked towards shore. Again Don shouted FIRE!!, but directed the arsenal towards the adult leviathan. There was a discharge of weaponry that, curiously, didn't even REACH Godzilla. The missiles fell well short of their target, as if guided by something alien. Don, not knowing what else to do, again ordered a cease fire, and a full retreat, which they all quickly did. He and a few of his men stayed close by though to survey the situation.
He looked at the giant creature, and said to one of his men, Look at Godzilla!!! What do you make of that???
The soldier shook his head and replied I have NO idea, but it looks like he is VERY angry.
In my opinion, . . another soldier quipped, it looks like he is ready to explode!
Don just stared at the soldier, and thought it all through. What was wrong with Godzilla, What had caused him to glow like this? Had Gigan caused the phenomenon? Was it perhaps the volcano? Either way, something wasn't right, and something bad was bound to come out of it.
The two kaiju moved their way towards the giant bridge, where they just seemed to stop and stare. Both had been around large objects, but never anything as vast as the Golden Gate Bridge.
Suddenly their was an explosion near the feet of Junior, and both kaiju turned to see a squadron of fighter planes approaching them. The planes began to fire round after round at the two Godzillas, but with little to no effect. Actually, it simply seemed to annoy the monsters, who swatted at them like flies. But the firing continued, blasting both monsters and the bridge.
Don, stunned by this, got on his radio and shouted What the hell is going on? Who ordered this????
But before there could be a response, he and his men were knocked to the ground by a huge gust of wind. A red ray of some kind hit the bridge, crumbling a section and sending it crashing into the bay.
Gigan had arrived . . again . .out of nowhere . .as if SENSING the presence of the other two kaiju.
Dons only response to this was #####!!!!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Don soon recognized the necessity to leave the area, and did so promptly. he loaded up his jeep and drove off, his soldiers close in tow.
As they drove away, the battle between the monsters began, as Gigan struck first with a laser blast, knocking Junior to the ground. Gigan then fired again, but missed, hitting instead the following Jeep containing many of Theobolds soldiers., exploding it on contact.
Don yelled, but there was nothing he could do. His men were gone. Now in a race to save his OWN life, Don abandoned his jeep and headed for the trees on foot. the darkness hindered his efforts, but he managed to do this JUST in the nick of time, as soon another Gigan blast struck the jeep, causing IT to explode also. Don jumped to the ground in front of him as his Jeep exploded . . .waited a second, then looked at the twisted pile of metal that was left behind. He then looked to the sky and thanked God.
Meanwhile, Godzilla and Gigan went at it once more, this time with Godzilla causing injury to Gigan. It tried to retaliate, but was struck time after time by Godzillas red oral beams.
Gigan tried to flee, taking to the sky, but Junior, just waiting for the opportunity, blasted him out of the darkness. When Gigan hit ground, he left a tremendous crater where once a small building had stood. Seeing this, both Godzillas pounced on the fallen beast and pummeled it with CRUSHING blows. But instead of perishing in that hole, Gigan again began to glow bright blue, and somehow, both Godzillas were thrown off and to the ground.
Junior, being the quicker of the two, regained his footing and attacked again, but was met this time with a yellow colored eye beam, that when it struck, seemed to paralyze him.
Godzilla, sensing danger for Junior, sluggishly got to his own feet, and proceeded towards Gigan, but was soon also met by the yellow beam. Godzilla managed to fire his oral beam before he was struck by Gigans, but it merely bounced off the lit up kaiju.
Miraculously, Gigans beam had little effect on Godzilla, who then leapt forward onto Gigan, dragging both of them to the ground. A wrestling match ensued, with neither monster having the upper hand, until Gigans buzz-saw chest plates began to rotate, cutting into Godzillas hide. Godzilla roared in pain, but continued to fight until he was completely spent.
Gigan, sensing victory over the two kaiju, started towards the whimpering and motionless Junior. But as he reached him, rearing back his head to fire once more, he was struck by some kind of large object, causing Gigan to pivot, and when he did, what stood there before him, bigger than Godzilla and Junior put together, was enough to make ANYTHING shiver.
Standing there in front of Gigan, was the huge plant and Godzilla hybrid Biollante. His skin glistening in the moonlight, tendrils waving in every direction, Biollante stood on all fours and groaned lightly. Gigan was obviously stunned by Biollante, but was by no means afraid of it, and soon was on the attack. His lasers cutting into Biollantes hide, amputating tendril after tendril. But no matter how much damage Gigan did, Biollante would NOT fall. He continued to fire until he realized the ineffectiveness he was having on this massive, Godzilla clone. And with that realization, decided to flee.
But as Gigan lifted off the ground, he was grabbed by Biollantes regenerated tendrils, and slammed into the San Francisco ground. This obviously hurt Gigan, who let out a mechanical stuttering screech. For the first time, there were signs of blood coming from him. Again he tried to flee, but again was slammed to the ground. Biollante then continued to slam Gigan to the ground . . over and over again .. until finally Gigan didn't try to rise up anymore . . instead falling to the ground . . unconscious.
Biollante mercilessly slammed Gigan a few more times before crawling over to the fallen Godzillas, and began to glow, then started to spore and rise to the sky. This effect somehow freed Junior, and gave Godzilla just enough energy energy to stand. Had Biollante saved them? Perhaps knowing his relationship . .no matter how extraordinary . .to the two beasts?
Godzilla, having fought this great beast once before, recognized and appreciated its power, and thus stared at the sky, then roared and headed back towards the water . . Junior lagging behind him.
Gigan on the other hand, laid unconscious for a short while longer, until finally, he reawakened, staggered to his feet, and almost drunkenly, lifted himself into the sky, and disappeared.
Don, still hiding amongst the trees, had survived the episode, but many of his men had not. Again the monsters had vanished . . leaving the city to clean up the mess, and also leaving the terrifying thought that they could be back . .and at any time.
Now there were FOUR monsters running around . . .one of them immortal. Don thought that the odds of the world getting through this were growing smaller and smaller by the minute.
Don soon found his way to an abandoned vehicle a ways down the road, hot-wired it, and headed back towards the base. He was now filled with anger . .and a terrible sinking feeling . .in his oh so heavy heart.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
At the Pentagon in Washington, a meeting between the President and his Defense Team was getting under way. Involved in the discussion was Generals Silbaugh and Jackson. The President had asked for the status on the San Francisco operation and whether or not martial law should remain in effect, and also if a state of emergency should be declared.
Ron, going over the events so far, was trying to explain to the President what his remaining options were, but was receiving STRONG opposition from the other members of the Defense Team. The discussion now got heated.
Mr. President, Ron began, we have tried every military trick known to us, short of nuclear weapons, and have had NO success.
Well, perhaps you and your team haven't gone about it the right way. I personally think that this has been a half assed effort from the get go. I mean, we have monsters running around all over the place and all we are doing is sitting on our hands . . doing nothing. This is preposterous!
The words by General Jackson struck a nerve inside the President, who now snapped back with General, I have PERSONALLY watched this unfold before my eyes, as have you . .and the effort I'VE seen, has been damn near miraculous. We have men going into a situation knowing full well they might not make it out alive, and yet they do their best. I've seen bravery . . as WELL as desperation . .but in all that, NO one has quit. Yes, I agree that the problem is getting worse rather than better, but think about what we are dealing with. These are MONSTERS General . . . GIANT monsters. We have NEVER had to deal with anything like this . . well, except for that one time in the sixties when King Ghidorah was here . .but that lasted all of an hour or two, so we still have no real experience in this area. So General, though it is getting worse, don't let me EVER hear you say that these men aren't giving there all again. I will seriously drop your rank back to PRIVATE so fast that itll make your head spin . .then you wont have to WORRY about whos giving their all. Is that clear?
Yes, Mr. President the General replied, then sat back down quietly.
Ron, somewhat relieved by the President's response, now said General, do you NOT agree that our forces are not trained to deal with a problem of this magnitude?
Jackson nodded in agreement, but said nothing.
Good. Then if that's the case, then how can you . . or ANYONE for that matter say that we aren't giving it our all? This isn't like dealing with Saddaam Hussein or Khadafi . . .we are at a serious disadvantage here. To be honest, I was thinking that maybe we should contact the Japanese . .and see what THEY have done over the years.
Jackson now looked at a map in front of him, and said OK, if all this is true, and we knew that these things existed, which we DID, then why AREN'T our main forces trained to deal with it? I just don't understand.
Silbaugh replied I agree with that. The Japanese are trained for it . .so why not us?
This was a good question. One that no one had an answer for. But nonetheless, the problems still existed, and what to do about it was still up in the air.
Ron then changed course and gave his theory about Gigan to the President. Mr. President, some twenty years ago, Gigan and King Ghidorah attacked Japan along side an alien race from Nebula Space Hunter M, and a variation of Godzilla and the Angilas beast managed to fend them off. At that time, Gigan was NOT the creature he is today, as is evident by this video. He is from space, and when they were fought off, both Gigan and Ghidorah were left to fend for themselves. Then a few years ago, Godzilla nearly killed King Ghidorah, who was subsequently made into the cyborg, Mecha King Ghidorah, that Godzilla eventually ended up destroying too. And for all those years, after reappearing to help Megalon and the Seatopians, Gigan just basically disappeared. Then a few days ago, he reappeared . . . after all this time . . . somehow mutated by a truckload of seriously contaminated nuclear material being hauled to the base at Ft. Irwin. This material, I believe, made him the fierce creature that he is today.
The President then looked up at the picture of George Washington in front to him, and said This truck . . would it by chance happen to have been a MILITARY truck?
Uh, yes Sir, it was. Ron replied.
So you mean to tell me that this is partially OUR fault?
Ron, with an embarrassed look on his face, said Well sir, realistically yes, but we had nothing to do with the two Godzillas appearing here, and honestly, how were we supposed to know that something this extreme would come out of it? It has after all, never happened before on American Soil.
The President, angered by the comments, walked towards the door hastily. Before exiting, he looked at everyone in the room, then directly at Ron and said But now it has . . . !
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Jackson, Silbaugh, and the rest of the Defense Team, were stunned by the Presidents sudden departure from the meeting. The fact that he was angry was understandable, but there were issues that needed resolving, and needed resolved right now . . . such as the existence of the Oxygen Destroyer bomb. This was something that Silbaugh had come to Washington specifically to discuss.
Ron, thinking about this very thing, took Jackson off to the side, and pulled out the photo of the device and showed it to him. Jackson got a look of surprise on his face when he saw the picture's content. Where the hell did you get this?
You tell me . . . Ron replied.
Jackson pulled Ron out of the room and slammed him against a wall and said Dammit Silbaugh . . Im asking the questions now. You tell ME where YOU got that photo, and then you can tell me what you know about t it.
Ron, taken back by the Generals words and actions, started to explain what he knew of the device. When he had finished, Jackson said This thing does NOT exist . . . simple as that . . . do you understand?
Ron looked at him and angrily replied Yes Sir . . I understand . . .
Jackson let Ron loose, straightened his jacket, then turned and walked back into the meeting room, leaving him to catch his breath and compose himself.
As he prepared to enter the room himself, he was again pushed against the wall, but this time by the President, who put his finger up to his mouth as if to say Be quiet!! He told Ron that he had heard the entire conversation and that he was giving him TOTAL military clearance to pursue the Oxygen Destroyer Project.
I heard about this myself Silbaugh, and had reservations about its existence. But Im like you . . seeing the photos, I believe it has to be real. So, whatever it takes to find it . .you have access to it. I dont care WHAT it is. If you need it, youll get it. Reprt directly to me, and Ill help you all I can He let go of Ron, shook his hand, and walked away.
Ron was speechless. he could do nothing more than simply shake his head for a moment. And then he smiled . .and walked back into the room. He thought, I may now have the answers I was looking for . . . and a solution to this problem. Now I need to get a hold of Theobold.
In the early morning hours on the island of Hawaii, a heavy fog had rolled in from the ocean. The inhabitants of the island were accustomed to fog, but nothing as dense as this . . . .so dense in fact that you could barely see your hand in front of your face.
For a time throughout the morning, the fog nearly shut the entire island down. Schools, the airport, and businesses were closed due to the many dangers of being outside.
Around 10:30, the fog began to lift slightly as the sun beat down and burned it off, but when it had finally dissipated, the islanders were both surprised . .and terrified . . to see what had landed on their shores.
There, sleeping or perhaps unconscious, were the two Godzillas. They had managed somehow to travel the hundreds of miles from the California coast and had ended up on this beach.
The island people were most leery . .but came to see the giant beasts anyway. They were astonished by the glowing of Godzillas body and were even more amazed by the changes in Junior. Just a few hours before on TV, they had witnessed a juvenile creature. But now, lying motionless on the beach, he was nearly as large as Godzilla himself, and looked very much like him too . .with the exception of his pointed dorsal fins which were much larger and purple in color, much in contrast to Godzillas rounded fins, which glowed eerily themselves as he lay dormant.
The changes in Junior brought out some of the islands top scientific minds,who tried to figure out how he could have evolved so quickly. This obviously was not a normal genetic event, but then again, when it came to Godzilla, what was normal?
It was finally decided that the strange glow from Godzillas body must have been his way of releasing the extra radioactivity, absorbed from the many Gigan blasts and the massive volcano. And with Junior remaining in such close proximity to Godzilla himself, it would only be reasonable for that radioactivity to have an effect on Juniors metabolism . . hence the further mutation. But regardless of the cause, Junior was now an adult Godzilla himself, and that fact scared the hell out of the islanders.
It was soon decided that the island should somehow be evacuated before the monsters awoke, but that wasn't realty possible. The evacuation could get half way through only to have the beasts awaken and then the disaster could be immediate. Regardless, that would never happen anyway, as while on a routine patrol of the area, a security officer noticed the two monsters starting to move slightly, and immediately reported it. And once the message was relayed, and the press got wind of it, the panic began, as people rushed to avoid their impending doom . . WITHOUT even knowing the monsters intentions. They could, after all, just turn and go back to the ocean and back towards where they had come from.
Panic soon turned to madness, as many people trying to flee ran over and trampled others to death in the stampede. It was a disastrous sight. Far worse than the monsters had caused themselves so far, anyway.
With the two monsters awake and now moving, the people had nowhere to go, and the scurrying of the people must have confused or even antagonized the two behemoths, as soon, Godzilla himself was moving towards the heart of the city and on the attack, crushing buildings, cars, and everything that got in his path. It was obvious that he was angry . .very angry in fact. He soon turned his heat ray on the fleeing crowds, incinerating many of them instantly. Those that weren't burned alive, were then crushed under the creatures mammoth feet. There was no escaping Godzilla.
Meanwhile, Junior just stood and watched the onslaught for a time, as if mesmerized by what his kin was doing, until finally something strange happened . . .something that surprised everyone who saw it happen.
Junior roared loudly, then began to run . . .literally . . towards his adult counterpart. At first the remaining townspeople were horrified by the thought of Junior joining the attack. But he didn't join. As when he reached Godzilla, he rammed himself into the huge beast headlong, sending Godzilla crashing to the ground violently. Godzilla, not knowing what was happening, growled lightly, regained his footing, and continued to attack.
Junior then took a step back, his own dorsal fins now glowing white hot, and blasted Godzilla with a heat ray of his own. Again Godzilla, caught off guard, crashed to the ground. Godzilla then rose up again . .turned to Junior, roared more intently, then again started firing on the city once more. It was obvious that Godzilla thought that Junior was now trying to play with him, as he once did on Birth Island . .but this was no time for games, and Godzilla made that known. But Junior was not playing with Godzilla, and finally proved it with one swift grab of Godzilla. He took hold of his tail, lifted him off the ground and slammed him back to the Hawaiian ground . .hurting Godzilla. The leviathan roared angrily as Junior did the same thing again and again, until finally Godzila braced himself on the way down, whipped his tail, and sent Junior crashing into a nearby building.
Again Godzilla rose up, but this time hed gotten the hint, and turned to face Junior. . . .ready to fight. Junior himself, stood up, brushing the concrete and steel off his hide, roared loudly once more, then advanced towards Godzilla. Godzilla then took a step forward, but soon stopped. They BOTH stopped actually. And at that moment, Godzilla finally got the point of Juniors attack. Junior was PROTECTING the many people whos lives were in danger from Godzillas attack. He wanted Godzilla to stop his advance and leave what was left of the city alone.
Junior groaned at Godzilla, made an awkward hand gesture, then Godzilla almost seemed to nod, then they both turned back towards the water, and soon had disappeared under the waves. The surviving people had just witnessed a miracle; a sort of metamorphosis in Godzillas mind . . .. and they all knew that it had been a child . . .albeit an extraordinary child . that had saved them.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In a dark, rain soaked park area in a San Francisco suburb, the beaten and battered body of Gigan lay lifeless in an open stretch of land. Bleeding from the mouth and eye, and heavily from the severed hook on his right arm, Gigan was very near death. The continued rain pelted the Earth and the gargantuan body of the monster., creating large pools of blood soaked water near and around him.
Gigan let out a faint, painful shriek, and then fell into unconsciousness . .and soon after, stopped breathing altogether . . .Gigan . .had perished. The menace of this dreadful beast on humanity had apparently passed.
The rain then began to fall harder, and lightning filled the sky. Thunder clapped, and suddenly the carcass of Gigan was struck by a bolt of pure electricity. Then another, and another, and yet another until the body of the monster began to glow . .and twitch violently . .the glowing pulsing like a strobe. There was soon normal movement in one of Gigans feet, then a short screech, and with that, Gigan miraculously revived . . .back from the dead. The electricity from the lightning had somehow brought him back to life.
Gigan stood, tentatively at first, surveying the surroundings, looked at the healing hook on his arm, and then took to the sky. As quickly as the threat had seemed to pass, it had returned.
Gigan flew very low to the ground, in search of food, and soon, coming across a herd of cattle, found it. Within minutes, there was nothing left of hundreds of animals, nothing but its own massive footprints and a large pile of skin and bones. Again Gigan took to the sky, but his time, in search of Godzilla.
Meanwhile, it had been determined that Godzilla and Junior had settled in the waters near Hawaii. There was no explanation as to why, but it had in fact happened. The US Military had been advised and most of the top officials and scientists were now on their way to the island. Among them were General Silbaugh, Professor Tvrdik, and of course Steve Martin. The three of them, seated in the rear of one of the planes, were having a discussion.
General Silbaugh looked at Tvrdik and asked Professor . .do you remember the Oxygen Destroyer from the 1950s
Yes. Tvrdik answered.
That's the device that the Japanese used to try and destroy the first Godzilla. It was created by the scientist that eventually killed himself so that the plans for the device would never fall into the wrong hands.
You are correct. Now, what would you say if I told you that our government has developed a similar type of weapon and has already used it on several occasions? Silbaugh asked.
Tvrdik paused for a moment, and then asked Used it???? On what???
Martin, just a bystander in the conversation to this point, now jumped in with People . . .always people!
Tvrdik laughed, and said Cmon . .you CANT be serious!
Martin again responded, Yes . .I am . .and its the truth. I was there. and saw it for myself.
Silbaugh then pulled out a photograph of the device and showed it to him. Tom was speechless. How, after all, do you respond to something like that?
Captain Theobold and the writer, James Allen joined the group. Don shook Rons hand and apologized to him for being sarcastic when theyd last spoken. He introduced James to the men and they all exchanged pleasantries and then got back to business.
Don said I couldn't help but hear you mention the Oxygen Destroyer. What is this . .a nostalgia class? I mean, I sure wish that thing was around today.
Ron, Tom, and Steve then all sounded off at the same time, It IS around today!
Don then shook his head in disbelief and chuckled slightly, rolled his eyes and asked You are kidding, right???
Again it was Martin that replied. No Sir, we are NOT kidding one bit. The US Government has basically the same thing in their possession and at their disposal, but denies its existence. If I hadnt informed General Silbaugh of my experience with it, I dont think anyone would know.
Don looked at Ron and said Youve been bitching about this thing for a few years now, saying that you KNEW we had it and that it had even been used in Africa or some way out place like that to eradicate some virus. I always thought, and I am sorry to tell you this, that you were nuts. You were almost obsessed with it. And now you tell me it really DOES exist??? Hell, why aren't we finding out about this thing and using it against the monsters???
Well, Ron said, I guess the obsession thing was true. But put yourself in MY shoes. I DID know it existed . .had been hearing rumors and stories for a VERY long time. So imagine how I feel now knowing i was right? And as for finding out about it, thats what we are here for, isnt it? I have clearance from the HIGHEST authority in our nation to do whatever it takes to find out about this thing, and get it ready to combat these monsters.
General Silbaugh then pulled out a paper from a folder he had beneath his seat, and handed it to Don.
Scanning over the paper, Don said confidently This is it!!! This is the one thing we have needed in this fight. If everything goes as planned, we will FINALLY have the upper hand. But before that can happen, we have GOT to find that weapon.
Ron then cautioned the men not to get too caught up in the hysteria of the weapon as yet, as it could, as in the past, lead to a road full of nothing but disappointment. But at least it raised spirits amongst the men, and that was a necessary thing . .as mental fatigue was close to setting in, and doubt was even closer than that.
James, silent throughout the conversation, finally said What the hell . .we HAVE to hope for something. What else do we have to go on? I propose that until this becomes reality, we all let it be our hope . .and not give in to fear.
The others agreed and the conversation ended as each of these extraordinary men drifted away into their own thoughts . . .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A while later, the plane touched down and the search for the Oxygen Destroyer began. With there being no record . .at least KNOWN record anyway . . .of the device, the search seemed an impossible task, and at first, that's exactly what it was.
It was one dead end lead after another, as literally hundreds of people were interviewed and thousands of documents, mainly denial papers, were gone over.
Things got very frustrating for the crew working on the project, as their long hours and exhausting efforts just didn't seem to pan out. Especially frustrated was General Silbaugh, who was dead set on finding this horrific device.
Sitting in an office by himself, he called Captain Theobold to check on his progress. There was none . .of course . . .so the conversation was short, and then Ron . . .as if by fate . .decided to go and get himself some lunch in the building restaurant. He exited the office and headed down the hall towards the elevators.
When he reached them, and pressed the button, he could only stand and wait for the elevator to reach his floor. He was on the very top level of the building, so the wait was at least a bit lengthy. But his wait turned out beneficial to him, as soon a young man, perhaps in his mid twenties, approached him from behind and surprised him when he said Im very aware of what you are looking for . .and I think I might be able to help you
Ron turned and looked at the man, shook his head, and said sarcasticly . .and what exactly AM I looking for?
The man smiled for a second, then said The Molecular Disintegrator . .
Ron, stunned, then asked The WHAT?
The man sat and thought for a second, then said I believe you would call it the Oxygen Destroyer He again smiled.
The man then went on to introduce himself as Ed Lichota, a Grad Student at the University of Hawaii, and explained that when he had heard about the monsters appearances, he knew that people were soon going to start looking for him.
A while back, on a fact finding mission in Washington state, I ran across some papers in an old archive of scientific data, and kind of borrowed a few things that interested me. Since I was little, I have been interested n the Oxygen Destroyer, and what effects it had on organic matter. I saw film on Godzillas death, and though morbid, I was just kind of hooked. I studied a lot of Dr Serizawas notes, never finding anything on the device. But there were certain things that gave hints of what he was trying to do, and I put those things together, along with a few things I learned n school, and . .well . .to be honest, I came up with the Molecular Disintegrator model.
Ron, stunned by the admission, then asked simply YOU created the weapon the US Government has?
Yes Sir I did. Ed said. But I didn't give it to them ..they TOOK it. I made the mistake of talking to a friend of mine on the internet one day about my discoveries and theories, as he kind of shared the same passion for the device as I did, and the next day, my house was ransacked and almost every bit of data I had on the device was taken from my files and computer. And then I come to find out that my friend was taken into custody for some unknown reason. I was not a happy camper.
You knew who took it didn't you? Ron asked.
At first, to be honest, I thought it was the friend I had spoken to. His arrest made me a bit suspicious. But then I remembered that he was like a million miles away and had no access to enough money to get here to do this. Then I started asking questions about the break in and the neighbors all said that there had been military vehicles in front of the house when it was broken in to. So I put two and two together and the answer was clear. Then a few days later i was visited by a General Jackson who . .
Ron then interrupted him and said That Son Of A Bitch. I KNEW he was involved from the start. I could tell by the way he acted when the President was briefing us.
The President? Ed said.
Oh . .never mind. I am just thinking out loud. Please . .continue. Ron replied.
Uh . .O . .K. Anyway, this Jackson guy came to me and told me that they HAD in fact taken the files . .that it was a matter of national security, which was bullshit if you ask me, as there was NO reason for this thing to ever even be made, let alone used.
How do you know that it was used? Ron then asked.
Ed thought for a second, then replied Why else would they have taken the plans? They HAD plans for it. They were going to use it . .somewhere . .on something . .
Or someone. Ron said.
Ed then lost all expression on his face, and he seemed to go as white as a ghost. Ron asked him what was wrong, to which he replied simply It was used on PEOPLE???
Ron looked down at the ground and replied That's right. It was used in a village in Africa to eliminate an outbreak of Ebola or something. When the device was fired, there was absolutely nothing left. It was like there had never been a village there in the first place. Total destruction. and MANY people dead . .some that weren't even infected with the disease.
You see? This is why I hesitated on even studying the device, let alone trying to create one. I feel the same as Serizawa did then. If it fell into the wrong hands, which it obviously did, then what might be the consequences? Tokyo still has ecological drawbacks from the firing of the original Oxygen Destroyer. I know. I went there and studied the soil, and it is amazing how dead it still is.
Well Sir Ron said, I really don't know about all that. But given how intelligent you are, I don't doubt you. But . .regardless of the how's and what's of this, I still need to know what you can do for me here. We need that weapon to get rid of the monsters while we still have the chance.
Ed sighed lightly, then crossed his arms, and replied, Yeah, I know, and I will help you simply because you seem to be very straight forward with me here. You have a genuine need for the plans, and I do still have a copy . .locked them away where NO ONE could find them . .even that damn Jackson character. So, please, come with me.
Let;s go Ron responded excitedly.
They both drove the length of the island until they got to the Hilton Hotel, where they parked, got out, and went to Ed's room.
When they entered the room, Ed immediately went to a desk drawer and pulled out a yellow envelope full of paperwork. He peeked into the packet, then handed it to Ron.
Listen General . . this literally is as far as I care to go with this. I am in too deep as it is, and I am certain that when General Jackson hears of this, he will be again looking for me. I just want to give you the plans, and then get the hell out of Dodge. You can understand this, right?
Ron opened up the envelope and looked at the plans for a bit. Mr Lichota, I can appreciate where you stand, and I respect your position. I personally will get Jackson off your #####, even if it means going to the President himself with it. I swear that to you right here and now.
As Lichota was packing his bags to leave, he turned to Silbaugh and spoke one last time to him. Listen . .I never meant for this thing to become a reality. I know now how big a mistake I made in even drawing up the plans. So, I have a simple request of you when you are done with it. Please . . destroy the device. Destroy the plans. Let no one follow this project, as there is just too much that can go wrong. I don't want to go down in history as the man who destroyed the world. I am already the man who killed a village I have never even been to or heard of, and I am not happy about that. But what's done is done. Use it on the monsters, and then make it go away.
Ron shook his head at the man, then shook his hand, and said I promise. I will do just as you ask. You have my word.
And with those words, Ed Lichota exited the room, not to be heard from again.
Ron just sat on the bed, in disbelief of what was sitting in front of him. He paged through the memos, until he came across a note about Biollante. It was something about Biollantes cells, and how they were added into the equation. Ron looked at the page for a second longer, then said Biollante cells, how will we get those????
How indeed. Ron then picked up his cell phone and called Captain Theobold and told him of his encounter, leaving Don speechless. He asked Don to let Professor Tvrdik know about the plans, and to ready his team to get to work on the device at once.
When he had hung up the phone, and walked out of the room and back towards his car, all he kept asking himself was Biollante? Why Biollante????
As darkness enveloped the island, a disquieting silence set in, a silence that was broken abruptly by the appearance of Gigan, who circled the island a few times before landing in the heart of the city. Gigan was soon on the attack, destroying everything he got near, using his massive hook arms to punch holes in buildings, and his laser eye beam to set the city aflame. The destruction was massive, but fortunately the civilian casualties remained low due to the evacuation order implemented when the two Godzillas first appeared.
Gigan looked around, seeming to admire the damage he had caused and then let out a huge shrieking roar before taking back to the sky. As he again circled above, he didn't notice the two figures coming out of the ocean onto the Hawaiian shore. The two Godzillas, perhaps anticipating Gigans arrival, moved into position for their own attack.
Gigan soon noticed the two monsters stalking him and launched a laser barrage that lit up the blackened sky. The first two blasts missed the saurians, instead striking more fragments of remaining buildings, but the next few struck Godzilla head on and sent him crashing to the ground.
Junior let loose with his atomic heat ray which struck Gigan and forced the huge beast to land. He and Gigan stood face to face now. Godzilla had then risen to his feet and attempted to join Junior, but when he reached him, Junior snapped and growled loudly. It was apparent that he wished to fight Gigan on his own. Godzilla reluctantly backed off and watched as the battle began.
With a tail whip that knocked Gigan off his feet, Junior struck first. He punched and tore at Gigans face countless times, severing one of the side hooks on Gigans mouth. Gigan shrieked in pain as Junior continued the onslaught. Then the plates on Juniors back lit up white again and he unleashed his oral beam that struck Gigan in the side of his neck, causing him to bleed profusely. Gigan struggled to get the giant lizard prince off him, then, using his own laser beam, struck Junior with a blow that threw him off and onto the ground himself.
Godzilla joined in by grabbing Gigans feet and turning the monster onto his stomach. Then he lifted him and threw him into the air, but the maneuver backfired as somehow Gigan just simply took flight. Both Godzillas looked at each other in bewilderment and then turned to resume their attack.
The mighty monsters united in a heat ray display aimed right at the head of their enemy, but Gigan avoided it and smashed instead into both of them, knocking them down on top of each other.
Gigan began to glow bright blue again, and the wind picked up. Then Gigan unleashed a terrifying laser blast that ripped the ground to shreds and buried the fallen kaiju. Gigan landed on the filled in hole and jumped up and down, as if to pack the ground denser than it already was, entombing the two monsters below.
The ground soon stopped moving, and Gigan ceased his attack. But just as he started to walk off, the ground exploded under him and Junior reappeared. Gigan turned and his eye began to glow. But before he could blast Junior, he noticed that Juniors entire body was now glowing bright white. With that, Junior unleashed a beam of energy, a sort of pulse, which took the entire arm off of Gigans left side.
Gigan fell to the ground in agony, but just as quickly as the arm had blown off, it began to grow back again. Junior advanced towards Gigan but was stopped in his tracks by a loud roar coming from above. A bolt of yellowish lightning struck him. A NEW kaiju was on the scene. It was yet ANOTHER Gigan like creature, only bigger, and a dark shade of red in color.
The two Gigans called to each other, and then the larger one landed and emitted a large orange, pulsating ray which again paralyzed Junior.
Godzilla attempted to get out of the hole himself, but was met with the same force that Junior was. Now both Godzillas lay helpless on the crumbled ground. And the two Gigans seemed to almost laugh at them. Kicking huge chunks of earth at them and striking them on their heads time and time again. The monsters were being drained of their energy somehow, and this would surely kill them in a short time.
But suddenly their was a crack of thunder, a bolt of lightning, and the sky almost seemed to open up, turning night into day, and in seconds the ground began to crumble and break even further. Biollante was now on the scene, and was soon attacking the two Gigans.
The original Gigan, knowing the power of this creature, took to the sky and fled to the security of space . .leaving the Earth behind . .wanting NO part of Biollante.
But the new Gigan, almost as big as the hybrid Godzilla clone, feared not. Their battle soon began. It was a fierce war, with neither of them having the upper hand.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In the distance, a slew of cars rolled up onto the beach near where the two Godzillas had first appeared. It was the scientists and the still not finished Molecular Disintegrator . . .AKA the Oxygen Destroyer. They towed behind them a boat which would be used in the deployment of the device IF they could get the necessary Biollante cells.
When they had stopped, and were unloading the boat into the water, Professor Tvrdik spoke to Captain Theobold and Steve Martin.
Damn . .we are SO close . .and we don't have the one thing we need to make this thing work. How are we going to get the cells?
Don thought for a second, then said Tom, get on the radio and get me a chopper . .I have an idea . .do you think I could get close enough to the battle to actually get a PIECE of Biollante?
Martin then jumped in. What do you mean, a piece? How will you distinguish the difference between Biollantes cells and Godzillas?
This created an interesting question in Tvrdiks mind. Did it HAVE to be Biollante cells? Or could it be Godzillas? Dr Shirigami once claimed that Godzilla and Biollante were not related . .but in fact the SAME THING. So wouldn't the cells be the same, even with the added DNA from the plant and human woman infused?
Don, I need you to get a hold of General Jackson. Forget that he is an ##### . .I just need information, and only HE can give it to me. Tom said.
Don obliged and used his military phone to contact General Jackson. He then handed the phone to Tom.
General . .this is Professor Tvrdik in Hawaii. I need your help. I need to know if Biollantes cells can be substituted with Godzillas?
General Jackson, reluctant to help at first, finally answered. Our weapon utilized Godzilla cells. I don't know how it worked, but we couldn't find Biollante to get her cells. So, the answer to your question is yes. But be careful . .do NOT use this weapon above the surface of the water. It MUST be used like the original Oxygen Destroyer, or trust me . . .the effects to the environment will be felt for thousands of years . .much like the latest nuclear bombs.
Tom relayed this information to Don, who in turn waited for the chopper to now take him back to the base on the island where they had a sample of Godzilla cells on ice. This would work nicely, he thought.
Tom concluded his conversation with General Jackson by simply saying Thank You General . .we appreciate your help., and then hung up the phone and went back to work.
A few minutes later the chopper arrived to take Captain Theobold to get the Godzilla cells. As Don boarded the helicopter, Tom grabbed his arm and said I don't mean to put pressure on you, but this IS only the fate of the world we are looking at here. DON'T mess this up.
Don knew this was only a friendly gesture, so he gave Tvrdik the finger, and closed the door.
As he lifted off, the others below scrambled to get the weapon out of its protective case. Don watched this from above, and thanked God for giving him the chance to help. After all he had been through, after all the men he had lost in this battle, redemption seemed close at hand. Closure seemed imminent.
After the device was carefully placed in the boat, most of the men raced to a nearby cliff to get a glimpse of the battle of the monsters.
Don, in the chopper, noticed that Godzillas fallen body was now pulsing with light, and every now and then ripples of radioactivity could visibly be seen coming off of the monsters fins.
He radioed to the team below and said Look at Godzilla . .something is happening to him. Look at that glow.
Tom, looking out at the battle, acknowledged Dons statement, and replied with Yeah . .I wonder what is going on?
Martin again jumped into the conversation, saying I don't know about you, but it looks to me like Godzilla is ready to explode.
It was then that Tom stopped dead in his tracks. He seemed nervous. He suddenly began to sweat, and started running towards the boat.
General Silbaugh, still on the beach, saw Tom running towards him, and shouted What's wrong???
To which Tom replied We have GOT to get the boat in the water, and Don has to hurry. Godzillas energy level is overloading, and if that happens, the planet will explode with him. Our only chance is to get him into the water and to detonate this device. You HAVE to contact Theobold and tell him to hurry and get his ##### back here.
Silbaugh shook his head and did what he was asked. By that time, Don was already at the base, and was about to get the cells they needed. He ran into the lab, broke open the locked fridge unit, and grabbed the sealed flask with the Godzilla cells in it.
As he turned to run out the door, he was stopped by General Jackson, who pointed a gun at him and said where the hell do you think you are going with those?
Don stopped in his tracks, stunned, and replied I am taking the cells for the device. Godzilla is about to explode and if we don't . . .
Jackson cut him off. Godzilla isn't going to explode. He is just releasing energy, and if you want Godzilla cells, you get your own. Those are government property, and you know it.
Dammit Jackson . .what the ##### are you doing???? Humanity is on the verge of extinction, and all you care about is the Godzilla cells?
The general smiled for the first time in his life perhaps, and replied No, it isn't the G cells Captain ., .its the Oxygen Destroyer. I need to protect this country, and that weapon is going to do it.
Don slammed his fist on to a nearby table, and shouted Dammit . .don't you understand that there wont BE a country left to defend if I don't get this sample to Tvrdik?
The general again just pointed the gun at Theobold and said Youll go nowhere with them, and you are under arrest for trying to steal them.
Don just laughed and shook his head. You wont arrest me, and you SURE the hell wont shoot me, so get the hell out of my way. and then started to walk towards the General.
But the General was serious, and fired a shot close to where Don was standing. Put the flask down, and back off RIGHT now.
Don had no choice now but to do as he said. he placed the flask on the table next to him, and prepared to step back. But as he did, there was a loud thud, and the general hit the ground in front of him, losing the gun, and his consciousness in the same motion.
Surprised, Dons eyes slowly turned upwards from the fallen General, only to see the writer, James Allen, who had been on the chopper in the first place, standing there with a gun of his own, and a huge grin on his face.
Gee Captain, how did I know youd need my help? James said.
Don laughed, and replied Were you outside that door the whole time?
Well, James said, not the whole time . .but long enough to get YOU the hell out of here. Cmon . .lets go . .we have a job to do.
Don nodded his head, grabbed the flask, and started to run out the door. But as he did, he stopped over the unconscious body of the General, and he simply said You really ARE an #####, and I plan to expose you when this is over.
Then they both ran as fast as they could out to the still waiting chopper, and boarded to get back to the crisis at hand. And it would be just in the nick of time too.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Godzilla, half paralyzed still by the Gigan blasts, somehow managed to get to his feet, and staggered towards the battle between the other monsters. As he reached Gigan, he grabbed him and held on for dear life. Biollante took full advantage of the situation and began to tear away at the huge creature. But the more damage she did, the faster Gigan seemed to heal. the regenerative powers were greater than even Godzillas.
Through all the blows Biollante unleashed, Godzilla managed to keep his grip. And about that time, Junior was also regaining his footing from the Gigan poundings. He also staggered a bit, but then fell over again . .exhausted . . .and just laid there watching. Drifting in and out of consciousness.
As the battle progressed, Dons chopper hovered over the now launched boat, and James was elected to go to the boat and give Tom the G cells.
The ladder was lowered and James found his way to the boat deck, where he took the flask from a protective bag and handed it to Tom.
Hurry . . . Don screamed from the chopper, . . .Godzilla is getting worse.
Indeed. Godzillas body was now pulsating at an amazing rate, and the radioactive bursts from his fins became stronger and stronger. Soon his fins began to melt, and even though he held on to Gigan, he looked to the sky a few times and unleashed a huge orange colored heat ray . .which became a type of mist as it hit the air.
Silbaugh, now perched on the cliff with a pair of binoculars, spoke to himself. Its almost time, isn't it? We need to get you BOTH to the water . .but how?
Biollante continued her attack on Gigan, but was having little effect anymore. Gigan was nearly out of Godzilla's grasp by now, and was ready to fire back on both of them. But before that could happen, Tom had submerged the Oxygen Destroyer, and soon had pressed the button detonating the device.
Soon the water was churning violently, and the bones of fish rose to the surface, only to disappear soon as well. The ocean was now a bubbling inferno of matter eating energy, that would consume anything organic that was in it.
Then something strange happened. Godzilla saw the churning of the water, and decided that it was where he needed to get the Gigan beast to. He somehow knew that if he got him there, the threat would soon be gone.
So Godzilla and Biollante both, working in tandem, dragged Gigan to the cliff by the beach. Watching as the men that were on it scurried to get away, they waited as long as they could to get Gigan there. But then, Biollante let loose and Godzilla was left on his own.
Struggling mightily and in severe pain from the inferno raging within him, Godzilla looked back at Junior, who was again going in and out of consciousness.
Junior got a glimpse of Godzilla looking at him, and stared back for a few moments . . .with full eye contact and attention. Then, in almost a sympathetic gesture, Junior somehow rose to his feet, reared back his head, and fired his heat ray at both Godzilla AND Gigan, hitting them directly.
And just as Gigan was about to take flight, breaking Godzillas grip, the blast threw them both into the churning water below, leaving them both to die.
Under the surface of the water, there was a struggle for Gigan to break free . .but Godzilla somehow kept his grasp on the mutant monster. By the time Gigan HAD freed himself, it was too late. the Oxygen Destroyer was ripping the flesh off the two kaiju. The thrashing went on for a few moments, until both skeletons were all that remained, and as they dropped to the ocean floor, they too were eaten by the hungry atoms.
Both the mighty Godzilla and the dreadful Gigan beast were now gone . .but for good this time.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back on the beach, there was a celebration going on for the success of the mission, and the death of the two monsters. Meanwhile, Junior and Biollante just stood face to face staring at each other . . .for almost an eternity it seemed. Until they both simply roared at each other and turned away. Biollante began to glow, then spore, and was soon gone into the sky. Junior on the other hand, simply laid down on the beach and closed his eyes. The time to rest was at hand, and he knew he could not yet go into the water. Junior and seen what happened to the two kaiju, and did not want that same fate himself.
Don and General Silbaugh stood on the cliff closest to the waterfront staring at the watery graves of the two kaiju. Don shook Rons hand and said You were right all along Sir . .Im sorry I doubted you. You knew this thing existed and fought to find it. Do you realize that you single handedly saved this planet?
Ron shook his head and looked to the ground. No Captain, it was Junior that saved us . . perhaps even Godzilla as well. He KNEW what had to be done without really knowing, and he had Junior do what he knew he couldn't do to himself.
You mean blast them into the water . . Don said.
Precisely. Godzilla knew he would die one way or the other, but he decided that he didn't want to destroy his home in the process, and kill Junior at the same time . .so he had Junior blast him into the water to save everyone around him. Without that decision, none of us would be here right now. Of that I have no doubt.
Don nodded in approval. He understood what Silbaugh was saying. Then they both turned and ran down the hill to where Tom and James were just pulling the boat onto the shore.
Hey . .congratulations you two . .great job!!! Don shouted.
Tom looked up at Don and smiled and said Thanks . but, what the hell took you so long????
I, uh, had a little trouble from Jackson . .but it was dealt with.
James laughed loudly and walked away from the others. Tom then asked What's with him?
Don looked at him as he walked towards the cars, and said Nothing . .nothing at all.
Then everyone just kind of looked to the sky, thanked God, and wondered if the stars had ever been brighter over the planet than they were at that moment. To the men standing there looking up, the answer to that question would have been a resounding No. And from that point, the future looked much brighter as well.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A few days later, the Oxygen Destroyer was detonated for the very last time. It was modified and used to clean up the oil spill left by the Sundance Coronet which had sank and burned out at sea. Then, in a small ceremony, the plans for the device were burned and thrown into the water, as promised . .along with a wreath . . .in memory of the undisputed king of the monsters . . .GODZILLA . . . .