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In 1998, after four exhausting years of continuous work, the badly damaged United Nations MechaGodzilla robot was finally rebuilt and redone. After the devestation sustained at the hands of Godzilla, every aspect of the robot was carefully scrutinized and rethought. There were too many weaknesses, the scientists contended, that could not be overcome by the robot in the state it had been in, so gone were the Garuda Warship and Super MechaGodzilla modes, both of which seriously burdoned the robot's movements and abilities. In their place were added twice the robot's original arsenal, and the ability to go submercible, as well as into deep space. The scientists working on the project, especially Dr. Hyashida, considerd the robot nearly the perfect weapon; incapable of defeat or perhaps even harm. But still, tests had to be run; training had to be administered. With the reconstruction completed, a special training mission was set up to test the skills of both ship and crew. The destination was the Ogasawara Islands . . .Monsterland as it had been nicknamed. And the mission was simple; do battle with the first competetive creature encountered. For weeks leading up to the test, the crew members themselves had many a bet going as to who that creature would be. Junior? Rodan? Baragon? Biollante? Which destructive creature would be the first test for the new and improved MechaGodzilla robot? Professor Hyashida worked feverishly to get the ship and crew ready for the Ogasawara journey, and felt confident that the mission would be a success. On the morning of the scheduled test, Hyashida called all the crewmembers to his office for a short briefing. We have gone through four long years of work and training to get where we are today. I want you all to know how proud I am of each and every one of you. You have truly exceeded expectation. James Neely, the Captain of the robot crew, shook Hyashidas hand, then replied Thank you Sir. We have given it our all. Of that I am certain. Tell me something Captain . . do you have a suspicion as to who your first test will be? All four crewmembers began to laugh, and then Neely said, To be honest Sir, it makes little difference. We can beat any of them. But of course, if you are looking for prefernce, it would be Godzilla himself. Leiutenant Sato, the robots co pilot, then spoke. Professor, we have gone over all of the robots technology with a fine toothed comb, and understand the power that it posesses. But we also know that without us, the robot sits still and gets destroyed again. We REFUSE to make the same mistakes that the first crew made. And by the way, I have never actually told this to the rest of the crew, but MY preference as to who we battle is Biollante. The Professor put his hand on his chin, shrugged his shoulders, then replied simply, Why? Honestly? Sato replied, Well, because of its immortality, and brute strength. Wasnt it obvious that near the end of their battle, Godzilla wanted NO part of her. Neely then spoke again. Agreed. Biollante is probobly the strongest of all the mosters, and with those regenerating tendrils, that would give us a fair assessment of where we are as a team. The Professor then sat down at his desk, looked over the crew once more, smiled, and said, I like the attitude you share. But remember these are not toys we are dealing with. These monsters, even Minya, are capable of killing any human being at any time. And Biollante? Hell, she is immortal. If I were you, I would be careful what you wish for . .as you might just get it. Hyashida then finished briefing the crew, and soon had them suiting up for the scheduled lift off.
Upon the robot's approach of the islands, both nervous tension as well as excitement were evident in the crew. They were obviously overwhelmed by the thought of all the Earth's monsters being confined to one place, yet being allowed to roam on the islands freely to fend for themselves. Questions started to arise. What if more than one monster attacked at the same time? what if ALL the monsters united against them as they did against King Ghidorah? Would they be able to fight off that kind of brute strength with the MG's gadgetry? Or would there be a simple, hasty retreat? Perhaps the main thing to be considered was the fact that they were worried about MANY monsters, including Junior, instaed of one individual beast. So, even though there was caution, thre was also a touch of arrofance. Would this become a problem? MechaGodzilla soon landed on the rocky terrain of one of the islands, the thunderous roar of rocket engines and monstrous feet touching down besturbing the unusual silence. When the duxt and smoke had settled, the crew members were dumbfounded by what laid before them; for the entire surface of the island was baren and rocky. There were no trees or plants anywhere. In fact, there were no signs of life at all. Where had all the monsters gone? What could possibly have changed the face of the island so dramaticly? It had been many years since any person had set foot on Ogasawara. With the development of the new super networking computers, the islands were being run without human assistance. All the functions of the islands, all the defense mechanisms, were run by remote. The islands had changed so much that the captain of the crew started to question the navigation computer on board MechaGodzilla. There was NO way that THIS could be Monsterland! It was decided by the crew to cut the mission short and head back to the base in Tokyo where they would report the strange islands, and also have the onboard computers checke dout and resynced. But the journey back would not be a long one.
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As mecahGodzilla started the main engines, and prepared for liftoff, it was suddenly struck mid-chest by a blast of energy from some undetermined source. The robot was caufgt off guard and was therefor staggered by the blast. The captain yelled franticly at the crewmembers to take defensive positions and prepare for a counter strike. Was it Junior that had attacked? That question would be answered almost immediatly as the robot was again struck by an energy blast, and this one to the head, and knocking it off its feet. The captain flipped a red switch in front of him and a holographic viewscreen appeared in front of him. It was then that the attacker was identified. There in front of them, standing larger than life, was another robot . . . ANOTHER MechaGodzilla! But, this robot looked nothing like the UN built machine. This was one smaller, more detailed, and obviously quicker than the UN MG. "Thats the ALIEN MechaGodzilla!" one of the crew members exclaimed. The captain replied "Yes, that robot was supposed to have been destroyed by Godzilla in the 1970's, so what is it do . . ." The words were cut short by another blast from the invading robot. This one bounced harmlessly off the UN MG's midsection. The UN MechaGodzilla was ready to counter. Suddenly its plasma grenade door opened, and a brilliant flash of energized light flowed out. Striking the alien robot head on. The alien MG was knocked comletely over. The shockwave from the fall caused the ground to crumble and break. The UN MG now fired nearly all of its arsenal at the alien robot, leaving a huge cloud of smoke in its wake. But when the smoke cleared, the crew was stunned to see the other robot still standing, surrounded by a smoky kind of energy forcefield. Again the UN robot fired upon the other MG, but with no affect. Now the UN robot took to the sky, perhaps to retreat, but was knocked back by a laser blast that damaged its left side. When it landed, it made a huge crater in the ground. Would this end up being the robots gravesight? Now the captain called out to the crew "ITs time to deploy the FIREBALL . . . ." The crewmembers nodded in agreement, an then made the preperations. The FIREBALL was the MechaGodzilla's ultimate weapon, capable of desintegrating a city in mere seconds, and now it wouldbe used on this alien machine. The alien MG let out a loud shriek, then walked towards its fallen clone. As it drew closer, the UN robot turned a brighter and brighter shade of red and orange. Just as the alien robot reached the UN machine and prepared to flatten it, there was a huge explosion, the massive mushroom cloud reminiscent of a nuclear blast. The blast was SO powerful that the UN MG was thrown into the ocean itself, where it came to rest gently on the ocean's floor. "Is everyone alright?" the captain asked. All were OK. Next the robot resurfaced and headed back to the island to inspect what it had done. As it landed, the crew saw the head of the alien MG partailly buried in the ground. The crew exploded in cheer. "We did it! Our robot has won!" MechaGodzilla then walked over to the head and prepared to pick it up and take it back to the base for analysis, but just as it bent down, the lights in the eyes of the other robot began to glow once more, and the UN MG was struck point blank by both eye and oral rays. These rays were so powerful that it severed the head of the UN robot right from its shoulders and caused it to explode violently. The alien robot lifted itself out of the hole and just as quickly as it had appeared, it disappeared. The UN built MechaGodzilla had been defeated in its maiden voyage, all its crewmembers perishing in the process. What went wrong? Was it the sluggishness of the manmade robot? Was it the lack of weaponry? Doubtful. Perhaps it was just out thought, outdone by a creature with a brain instead of having people inside of it steering its every motion like an automobile? The UN MechaGodzilla was outdone by a living thing. No, the space MG was not actually alive, but the person or being that was controlling it, was. The United Nations then had to pick up the peices and begin to start over agian . . . but this time with a different approach.
It was later determined through extensive investigation that the MechaGodzilla robot did NOT in fact land on the Ogasawara Islands as planned. That the robot's navigational systems were somhow sabotaged and reset to purposely lead it to the location on which it DID land. A subsewuent search of the Pacific Islands, showed no trace of the alien cyborg, or an alien base. Soon there after, three members of the UN's Scientific Council (two Americans and one Japanese) were indicted on charges ranging from treason to aggravated murder in the deaths of the crewmembers. All three were incarserated in Federal prisons where they refused to give ANY information about theior involvement in the plot. The UN Security Council then met secretky to discuss th ordeal, and it was decided that another attack by the space MG was likely and that whatever measures were needed to protect against it should be taken. So then, as the UN worked feverishly to prevent it, all the rest of the world could do was sit . . .and wait. . . . and hope, that the new MG would be finished in time . . . !
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